Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

The lots around the old Thames River Steel Works building were trimmed by industrial weed whackers a few weeks ago. The bamboo is just as high as it was before they started. It is taller than me and it is covered with green, green leaves soaking up sunshine to grow taller still.

It is Memorial Day, the day we remember the war dead. May the war dead rest in their Heaven. May we learn from their lessons about patriotism and sacrifice. They live through our enjoyment of freedom, a right that is earned at great price that must always be defended, if not with bullets, then with debate, if not with firepower then with good deeds.

The lots around the old Pequot River Ship Works building were trimmed by industrial strength weed whackers a few weeks ago. The bamboo is just as high as before they started. The ailanthus trees are already one yard tall and spreading green canopies over the sawgrass.

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