Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mattapan rent

I was taking the MBTA's High-Speed Line between Cedar Grove to Ashmont, chatting it up with a fellow passenger. "Did you know that Manhattan has the highest rents in the US? An apartment averages $44.33 a square foot."

"So much?" she said, "I'm paying a thousand a month for a two bedroom on Blue Hill Avenue with heat and hot water included!"

"No, no, wait," I replied. "I'm talking about Manhattan, not Mattapan. You don't live in the heart of New York City. You live on the edge of Boston. If you didn't, we wouldn't be commuting on this trolley.

"I'm sorry," she replied, "I have dyslexic hearing. My right ear overrides what my left ear is hearing. With all the clacking of the car on the tracks I must have transposed the letters in my head. We're talking about Mattapan, right?"

We were now. I started again: "You've scored a two bedroom flat with utilities for $1000 a month?"

"Yes," she said, "I'm overpaying but I enjoy the convenience. I'm going to stay to lock in the price when the Silver Line gets extended. I work at Logan so I'll appreciate less transfers even if the commute takes as long."


fibrowitch said...

Wow what an idiot. If she works at Logan she should live nearer to Logan. You can get one of the luxury apartments in Revere for under a grand a month.

If she wants to get a room mate, and get one of the 2 bed, 2 baths on the beach she might have to pay as much as 1,500. The big stuff has on site Fitness Centers, a few have indoor pools, most of them have been built in the last 4 years.

She could WALK to the wonderland train station, look out on Crescent Beach (the high rent district - only Point of Pines is higher)

Ya, she would not be in a fancy zip code, at least not yet... I keep wondering when people are going to discover Crescent Beach, part of me hopes they don't.

Some of the bigger complexes offer on site day care. But, Revere is so not cool.

La Belle Esplanade said...

Revere is often overlooked and under-rated.


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