Thursday, August 14, 2008

Always the Weather

As a native New Englander I am used to complaining about the weather, but enough is enough. Why does it rain every day? This is more Florida than Massachusetts except that the rain isn't refreshing. No surprise there. It punishes as it pours out cold wet from the thunderheads.

Global warming or bad luck? We'll see as the next decade progresses, but jeez louise! This isn't what I think of when I cabin-dream about summer in February. All is well in Dorchester, though, which seems to receive less precipitation than Mission Hill a mere three miles away. We are talking the warmer months. In winter, the Dot can be snowbound while Mission Hill only gets a dusting. This past June, July and August thus far, Dorchester has been bone dry while Mission Hill's gutters overflow. A city really can be its own cosmos.

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