Monday, May 11, 2009

Lo! A Child Named Martin Shall Triumph!

Where South Boston ends, Dorchester begins! These streets have names that inspire awe and mystery and some of them are spelled counter intuitively. One boy knows how to spell them all without a misstep or stutter, and many other things besides. Imagine a winding panorama of opportunity jumbled into letters that make sense only to the initiated! Beware reader... you are about to get the bejeezus inspired out of your ever-living skin! Lo! A child shall triumph!

Martin Loguscowicz attends the Boston Collegiate Charter School. The school year is winding down and Martin has earned middling grades. There is going to be a spelling bee at term's end to test the prowess of the school's scholars and Martin is preparing to top his previous best efforts and reach pinnacles of spelling greatness few have imagined and even fewer have attained. If you are going to dream, dream big, with three exclamation points if need be!!!

Martin Loguscowicz reads the dictionary every night. If he doesn't score well on his math tests, it is because he has dedicated his intellect to mastering the intricacies of letter order in standard American English. His first goal is to win Boston's city-wide spelling bee and then advance through the ranks, like a Bobby Fisher out of nowhere, to capture the title at the National Spelling Bee next year. The hard work isn't glamorous. Watching Martin Loguscowicz study is like watching paint dry, but the reward is worth the effort. He twists his lips as he scans page after page. He has read his Webster's cover to cover seven times so far this year. Note the date: this report comes from May 11. That's a lot of words.

He can spell onomatopoeia. He can spell phlegm. He can put the second 'c' in Connecticut without missing a beat. He can spell omphaloskepsis and use it in sentence. He can spell mom, and he credits his mother for supporting his quest for greatness.

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